Transform the way you work.


Manage coronavirus (COVID-19) in your workplace
In challenging times such as the recent coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, WorkplaceManagement has allowed firms to adapt rapidly to ensure their workforces could operate safely and effectively in the workplace. We can rapidly provide remote working protocols, social distancing measures and contact tracing.

The transition to the new normal


Remote working

Remote working: accurately plan and manage who needs to come into the office and when. Flag that you are working from home to alert your colleagues.


Social distancing

Social distancing: quickly and easily implement social distancing procedures and ensure that desks are appropriately spaced drastically reducing the risk to individual staff and your entire workforce.


Contact tracing

Contact tracing: know exactly who was at each desk and when so that you can protect your entire workforce in the event that a staff member falls ill.

Managing the return to the office.

Covid-19 has transformed the way we work forever. How employees interact with their workplaces, and new ways of working are required to get employees back to the office safely. WorkplaceManagement software provides an easy-to-use solution that allows employees to schedule desks, find colleagues and be kept informed of changes to their working environments.

Once the threat of COVID-19 subsides, the business world that emerges will be very different. This ‘new normal’ will see the workforce expecting a more flexible approach to the way we work and a reduction in real estate needs. Large parts of the workforce will want to reduce commute times and work more flexibly. The office will become a place to collaborate and meet with clients.


Reduce workspace

Enable social distancing
to reduce the risk of the infection.
Spread out the density of desks and workspaces to meet social distancing requirements.

Easily adjust your existing workspace for effective social distancing by reducing the number of usable desks and the capacity of meeting rooms.


Control space and

Limit the number of days
employees can work at the office.
Limit the number of employees coming into the office by reducing desk booking capacity.

Limit the maximum number of people who can safely use each workspace and reduce available space by restricting the number of days an employee is able to book a desk in the office.


Effective workspace

Schedule sanitization after usage of desks to protect from infection.
Schedule sanitization after desks are used to support health and safety of employees.

Ensuring that workspaces are kept clean between uses to prevent any possible spread of infection, and preventing spaces from being used until sanitization processes take place, is essential.


Office contact

Record workspace usage to
enable contact reporting.
Record workspace usage and create a comprehensive audit trail to enable effective contact tracing.

React quickly to anyone who could potentially spread infection by tracking which employees have come into contact and where they’ve worked, so that appropriate isolation and sanitization measures can be enacted.

The transition to the new normal

In the months and years to come, offices will become places to collaborate and meet with clients, with large parts of the workforce moving to more flexible models that reduce office presence. How you get to this ‘new normal’, where offices provide fewer desks for the same number of employees, is the key challenge ahead.

Back to the new normal.

Bringing employees back into the office needs careful management so that they can follow ongoing government guidelines to socially distance and keep themselves safe. With a large part of the workforce looking to reduce commute times and work more flexibly, the new normal office will become a place to collaborate and meet with clients, so how desks, workspaces, and sanitization are overseen will change significantly.

How WorkplaceManagement can help

WorkplaceManagement has been at the forefront of workspace scheduling  and has implemented workspace management solutions for customers. We are uniquely positioned to help our customers respond to the current set of challenges and manage the new normal.

Key challenges solved 

Our workspace reservation solution enables social distancing in the workplace by controlling space and capacity to ensure employees are not exposed to risk.

Back to the office benefits.

Returning to the office will be a challenge for every organization, but the benefits of a technology-led solution for businesses and employees alike are more wide-reaching than you might think:

For Employees

They can enjoy flexibility and choice of when to work from the office and when to work from home, allowing collaboration whilst reducing challenges around commuting and personal commitments.
Clear guidance on when they can come to the office, where they can safely work, and assurance that their workspace is correctly sanitized and safe to use will all inspire employee confidence.
Their risk of infection can be reduced by ensuring that the workspace is correctly designed to meet social distancing requirements., and by keeping them informed of any potential contact with an infected co-workers.

For Businesses

Providing a technology-based solution helps you successfully manage the return of employees to a dramatically changed workspace environment.
You can assure social distancing is maintained by decreasing workspace density to reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19, thereby helping you easily manage the number of employees allowed in the office at any one time
Providing workspace sanitization with vendor workflows, monitoring and cost management helps you ensure employees remain safe.
Contact tracing helps you manage the spread of infection by tracking employees and recording where they’ve worked.


The support we can provide to you through your return-to-work process goes far beyond our comprehensive software offering. The first step is to work with our consultative accounts team and decide on the solution which best solves your challenges. Then our dedicated team of experts are here to help you every step of the way and support your journey towards a post-Covid-19 office environment that makes sense for your business

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